Monday 11 March 2019

Carrolline Rhodes

Carrolline Rhodes
Carrolline is a passionate and inspiring tutor whose courses at Bellingen’s Camp Creative were booked out during the nine years she was a tutor there. Published in Australia the UK and Italy, she is a multi-award winning writer across a range of genres. Her workshops inspire and empower: they take students on a journey where the ultimate destination is the writer-self.

The Hero’s Journey:
Facilitator: Carrolline Rhodes
Hollywood knows that the way to box office blockbuster is to base its screenplays on the hero’s journey, which is said to be the basis of all storytelling. In this practical workshop Carrolline will demonstrate its effectiveness by presenting immediately recognisable examples that range from film to fairy story. It will bring you the tools to create memorable narratives as well as insight into what it means to be human; many will find this workshop profoundly spiritual.

Note: The Hero’s Journey and Flash Fiction  in combination are a master class in writing fiction.

Flash Fiction:
Facilitator: Carrolline Rhodes
Hemingway is credited with writing the following six-word story (although authorship is disputed): For sale: baby shoes, never worn Flash Fiction - which ranges from extreme brevity up to 1,000 words - has become the flavour of the moment and there are many competitions that offer worthwhile prizes. This workshop isn’t about prize money, although that’s a good spinoff. It is about telling compelling stories that are like a vodka shot: they have punch. If you long to write fiction, but struggle, this workshop will bring you the insights you need to succeed.

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